Goodbye seebeyondnumbers. Hello Smart Financial Planner.

Well, surprise, surprise, surprise…

After four wonderful years on, I’ve decided to rebrand as


In one word: evolution.

Back in 2013, I was one little voice in a sea of people blogging about financial planning. To explore the “other” part of our beautiful profession, I started writing about the human part of financial planning.

Turned out to be a smart move. Within 18 months, about 2,000 financial planners worldwide jumped on our email list. Within two years, we sold our first course (Financial Planning Formula).

All from talking about the people part of financial planning. Or, as we like to call it, the “right-brain part” of financial planning.

But despite this success, we sensed it was time to shift focus.

Because you know what? The traditional financial planning programs aren’t changing.

Sure, they teach the technical part of our beautiful profession. Which of course is highly necessary. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be a financial planner in the first place.

But is your knowledge, your number crunching capabilities, your analytical reasoning still relevant if information and simple software are just one swipe away?

So, here it is.

Welcome to Smart Financial Planner. ?

The Times, They Are A-Changin’

Let’s be clear…

Even though we’re removing “beyond numbers” from the domain name, we’ll still be talking about it as much as ever. In fact, the subject matter of the blog-section isn’t really changing all that much.

What’s changing is our target audience.

It’s for financial planners who know or sense that people skills such as empathy, conversation skills and simply being human are necessary to succeed in the ever changing financial services industry.

Smart Financial Planner combines emotional intelligence with practical, strategy-infused financial planning advice along with a healthy dose of inspiration to keep you going when things get tough.

It’s  about being intentional with your financial planning service.

For the planners who want to become smarter, financial planning is a means to an end. It’s a way to be meaningful, change lives, have an impact, and attract high-paying clients.

And we’re really freaking serious about it.

Not because we’re fanatics or anything (okay, maybe a little, lol), but because our profession is precious to us.

We don’t have the luxury to wait and see, while the whole financial services industry is changing.


But here’s the problem…

There are a gazillion different coaching programs you can use to have an impact with your financial planning service, and there’s no easy way to figure out which ones work and which ones don’t.

Frustrating, right?

Well, here’s the good news…

That stops today.

The Vision for Smart Financial Planner

As of right now, Smart Financial Planner is here to help. We’ll teach you:

  • People skills
  • Conversation skills
  • How to use your online presence to get you clients for your offline service
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Blogging
  • The handful of tactics that are working in the trenches right now
  • Where to get the tools and resources you’ll need on your journey

All tailored to YOU. As a financial planner.

And when the going gets tough?

We’ll be there to give you a pep talk… or a kick in the rear. Whichever you need most. ?

I can’t promise it’ll be easy. I can’t promise it’ll be fast. I can’t promise it’ll be painless.

But I’ll make this commitment to you right now:

Where most financial planners are stumbling around in the dark, confused about what to do after the CFP program, you’ll have the confidence of knowing you’re on the right path, taking the right steps, surrounded by the right people.

In other words, you won’t be just another financial planner. You’ll be a smart financial planner.

And you’ll get all the rewards that are coming to ya. I’ll make sure of it.

Let’s make financial planning matter,


Leave a Reply 6 comments

Martin Hunt Reply

This sounds a great idea. A lot of people talk the talk but few walk the walk. Client engagement and understanding them is core to everything we do. I would be very interested in what you have to say.

    Ronald Sier Reply

    There’s more coming very soon Martin!

veronica mann Reply

Looks good so far!

Tommy Sikes Reply

Congrats Ronald! Love the new brand. Keep up your great work helping planners help people more.

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